Abstract | Utjecaj stila života trudnice jedan je od najbitnijih čimbenika za rast i razvoj ploda u trudnoći. Trudnoća donosi niz fizioloških promjena na koje trudnica mora prilagoditi čitav svoj životni stil, kako bi njezino zdravlje i zdravlje nerođenog djeteta bilo očuvano. Planirana trudnoća smatra se u većini slučajeva uspješnijom, zbog psihičke spremnosti trudnice, od onih koje nisu bile planirane. Prehrana igra vrlo važnu ulogu u zdravlju trudnice te omogućava pravilan rast i razvoj ploda. Savjetuje se informiranje o štetnom utjecaju određenih prehrambenih proizvoda na plod te izbjegavanje konzumiranja istih. Isto tako, trudnica se treba informirati o potrebnom unosu hranjivih tvari u organizam. Uz prehranu, trudnica treba obratiti pozornost na redovitu tjelesnu aktivnost i smanjiti izloženost stresu. Stres pogoduje raznim bolesnim stanjima te može negativno utjecati na razvoj fetusa. Od tjelesnih aktivnosti preporučuje se hodanje, joga za trudnice i sve ostale aktivnosti koje ne dovode u životnu opasnost fetus i trudnicu. Savjetuje se izbjegavanje kontaktnih sportova (borilačkih vještina, kontaktnih sportova s loptom i sl.), vožnje bicikla, jahanje konja i ostalih potencijalno opasnih aktivnosti, u kojima može doći do pada ili neke druge vrste ozljede. Svaku aktivnost kojom bi se trudnica htjela baviti, mora odobriti liječnik koji prati trudnoću te biti obaviješten o svakoj tjelesnoj ili psihičkoj promjeni koju trudnica prolazi. Promjena vrste tjelesne aktivnosti također mora biti evidentirana kod liječnika. Veliki utjecaj na ishod trudnoće i zdravlje ploda imaju okolišni čimbenici te određene štetne supstance, primjerice konzumiranje duhana, alkohola ili drugih vrsta opijata, izloženost štetnim kemikalijama u domaćinstvu, na poslu ili u zraku. Savjetuje se češći boravak u prirodi. Tijekom trudnoće treba obratiti pozornost na sve čimbenike koji utječu na istu, kako bi ishod bio zadovoljavajući. |
Abstract (english) | The influence of the pregnant woman's lifestyle is one of the most important factors for the growth and development of the fetus during pregnancy. Pregnancy brings a series of physiological changes to which the pregnant woman must adapt her entire lifestyle, in order to preserve her health and the health of the unborn child. Planned pregnancies are considered more successful in most cases, due to the mental readiness of the pregnant woman, than those that were not planned. Nutrition plays a very important role in the health of a pregnant woman and enables the proper growth and development of the fetus. It is advised to be informed about the harmful effects of certain food products on the fetus and to avoid consuming them. Likewise, pregnant women should be informed about the necessary intake of nutrients in the body. In addition to nutrition, pregnant women should pay attention to regular physical activity and reduce exposure to stress. Stress contributes to various disease states and can negatively affect the development of the fetus. As for physical activities, walking, yoga for pregnant women and all other activities that do not endanger the life of the fetus and the pregnant woman are recommended. It is advised to avoid contact sports (martial arts, contact ball sports, etc.), cycling, horse riding and other potentially dangerous activities, in which a fall or some other type of injury may occur. Any activity that a pregnant woman would like to engage in must be approved by the doctor monitoring the pregnancy and be informed of any physical or psychological changes that the pregnant woman undergoes. A change in the type of physical activity must also be recorded by the doctor. Environmental factors and certain harmful substances, such as the consumption of tobacco, alcohol or other types of opiates, exposure to harmful chemicals in the household, at work or in the air, have a major impact on the outcome of pregnancy and the health of the fetus. More frequent stays in nature are recommended. During pregnancy, you should pay attention to all the factors that affect it, so that the outcome is satisfactory. |