Sažetak | Hidroterapija je pojam koji podrazumijeva primjenu vode u svrhu liječenja i dio je fizioterapijskog procesa. Njezino korištenje počelo je u davnoj povijesti gdje su se vodom liječile bolesti koje tada nisu bile poznate, ali su imale pozitivne učinke. Voda ima tri svojstva koja su važna u rehabilitaciji, a to su uzgon, viskoznost i hidrostatski tlak. Neki autori u svojstva vode ubrajaju i toplinu vode. Oblici hidroterapije koji se koriste u procesu rehabilitacije su mokra galvanizacija, hidromasaža i vježbe u vodi, odnosno fizioterapijske vježbe u vodi, koje mogu biti u bazenu ili u specifičnim Hubbardovim kadama za nepokretne ili nepokretne bolesnike. Kod ankilozantnog spondilitisa fizikalne vježbe u vodi imaju dokazane pozitivne učinke i važan su dio rehabilitacijskog procesa. Plovnost je svojstvo vode koje smanjuje opterećenje zglobova, odnosno smanjuje težinu tijela i na taj način rasterećuje zglobove, što smanjuje ukočenost i bolove u zglobovima kod bolesnika s ankilozantnim spondilitisom. Hidrostatski tlak daje otpor pri vježbanju u vodi i time dovodi do povećanja snage i izdržljivosti muskulature. Toplina vode prenosi se na tijelo pacijenta, pa se tijelo brže zagrijava te se smanjuju bolovi i ukočenost. Primjeri vježbi u vodi uključuju hodanje u vodi, dizanje nogu, krugove rukama i verzije tradicionalnih vježbi u bazenu. Cilj je istražiti i analizirati ulogu hidroterapije kao jednog od ključnih terapijskih modaliteta u fizioterapijskog procesu osoba s ankilozantnim spondilitisom. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system, primarily characterized by demyelination. It is one of the three most common causes of severe disability in young people. Symptoms of multiple sclerosis depending on the location of lesions in the central nervous system and can be very pronounced or clinically unnoticeable for months or years. When assessing the overall psychophysical state of a patients with multiple sclerosis, it is necessary to consider the objective neurological findings, as well as the subjective perception of symptoms and signs, expressed through quality of life. The quality of life varies depending on the stage and course of the disease. Fatigue, anxiety, sexual dysfunction, depression, lack of social support, and medication side effects are factors that affect the quality of life in individuals with multiple sclerosis. Lower quality of life is often associated with the unpredictable course of the disease, job loss, dependence on others, the need for technical aids, and the social and economic status of the patient. Commonly used instruments include generic questionnaires like SF-36 and EQ-5D, as well as specific questionnaires like MSQoL-54. Although there is no cure, there are effective ways to manage the disease. Physiotherapy has a significant role in the treatment of multiple sclerosis, helping to maintain and improve physical functionality, reduce symptoms, and increase mobility. Various exercises, such as breathing exercises, balance exercises, relaxation exercises, coordination exercises, and therapies like electrotherapy, hydrotherapy, manual massage, and hippotherapy, can significantly improve the health and quality of life of those with multiple sclerosis. Breathing exercises improve lung capacity, balance exercises enhance stability, relaxation exercises reduce stress and muscle tension, coordination exercises improve motor skills and movement coordination, and strength exercises strengthen muscles and increase endurance. Exercise programs must be individually tailored to achieve the best results. Educating patients helps them better understand the disease and find ways to cope with it, while emotional and social support helps reduce feelings of isolation and depression. |