Sažetak | Cerebralna paraliza je stanje izazvano ozljedama mozga koje nastaju prenatalnim ili postnatalnim uzročnicima. Dijagnoza se postavlja uz pomoć: električne aktivnosti mišića, biopsije mišića i kompjutorizirane tomografije (CT), nuklearne magnetske rezonance mozga (MR). Nakon provedenih dijagnostičkih metoda neuropedijatar ili fizijatar postavljaju završnu, ključnu dijagnozu. Postoje različiti oblici cerebralne paralize, a najčešći je spastični oblik. Hod i pokreti rukama su otežani što uvelike utječe na samostalnost djeteta, a time i na njegov razvoj. Ne postoji lijek kojim se liječi cerbralna paraliza, ona je cjeloživotno stanje koje je specifično po neprogresivnosti, ali promjeni kliničke slike. Iako nema lijeka, čim se određene nepravilnosti uoče dijete započinje sa fizikalnom terapijom, koja se može sastojati od: kineziterapije, terapije jahanjem, hidroterapije. Uz klasične oblike rehabilitacije sve se više uvodi i uvelike se razvija neurorehabilitacija. Neurorehablitacija je novija metoda terapije koja je specifična po nekim od tretmana: Vojta terapijom, Bobath terapijom, robotikom. Cilj svake od navedenih je facilitirati pravilno izvođenje pokreta i smanjenje kompenzatornih radnji. Sve se više ispituju rezultati djelovanja neurorehabilitacije ruke. Cilj je dodatno potaknuti dijete na provođenje terapije pomoću videoigara što ostavlja pozitivan trag i volju za odrađivanjem terapija. Bobath je smatrao da je mozak organ reakcije, a ne akcije te da ga stoga treba „obnavljati“ zahvaljujući neuroplastičnosti. Preko periferije se šalju informacije o pravilnom obrascu pokreta, a mozak šalje odgovor na podražaje. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Cerebral palsy is a condition caused by brain injuries caused by prenatal or postnatal causes. Diagnosis is made with the help of: electrical muscle activity, muscle biopsy and computed tomography (CT), nuclear magnetic resonance imaging of the brain (MR). After the diagnostic methods have been performed, the neuropediatrician or physiatrist makes the final, key diagnosis. There are various forms of cervical paralysis, the most common being spastic. Gait and hand movements are difficult, which greatly affects the child's independence, and thus his development. There is no cure for cerebral palsy, it is a lifelong condition that is specific in its non-progressiveness but changes in the clinical picture. Although there is no cure, as soon as certain irregularities are noticed, the child begins physical therapy, which may consist of: kinesitherapy, riding therapy, hydrotherapy. In addition to classical forms of rehabilitation, neurorehabilitation is being introduced and developed. Neurorehabilitation is a newer method of therapy that is specific to some of the treatments: Vojta therapy, Bobath therapy, robotics. The goal of each of these is to facilitate the proper performance of movements and reduce compensatory actions. The results of the neurorehabilitation of the hand are increasingly being examined. The goal is to further encourage the child to conduct therapy with the help of video games, which leaves a positive mark and the will to do the therapy. Bobath believed that the brain is an organ of reaction, not action, and that it should therefore be "renewed" thanks to neuroplasticity. Information about the correct pattern of movement is sent through the periphery, and the brain sends a response to stimuli. |